Danzo Studio
Storage Hill
Storage Hill
$420.00 HKD
Hill is developed for jewellery objects. Composed by 3 “hills” with different heights and diameters, the notch on the top can hold necklace, ear rings or rings. Other objects like watch and bracelet could wrap outside the “hills”, providing a storage as well as a display stage.
Size: 160 x 105 x 56mm
「丘陵」 是一款針對飾品類小物的一款收納盒,由三個高低直徑皆不同的「丘陵」組成,小山丘上深淺各異的凹槽供用家放置頸鍊、耳環、戒指等飾物,手錶、手鍊或手鐲等亦可繞於丘陵外圍,為飾物或小物提供最好的展示及收納空間。
規格 - 160 x 105 x 56mm